A Beautiful Day "Nani La 'Ao" 
Spa, Massage, Internships and Artistry 

MAT 4949 MAE 2203 (808) 990-6838

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A Beautiful Day LLC Nani La 'Ao  (808) 982-7252  (808) 982-7252
Rainforest Spa & Healing Sanctuary

Because we are a green spa and retreat, we ask that you print the gift certificate on recycled paper. 

You may fill out the gift certificate with the name of the recipient and the amount in services.

The gift certificate is redeemable  once you have a code, which will be given to you at the time of purchase. Be sure to include the code number on the proper line.    

Thank you for your patronage!

 MAT 4949 MAE 2203 

A Beautiful Day Spa


Gift Certificate







(808) 982-7252

Gratuity not included


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